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New Hampshire Governor Vetoes Prevailing Wage Legislation

July 24, 2019

In a victory for ABC, New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu vetoed legislation that would have imposed prevailing wage requirements on state projects for the first time since the law was repealed in 1985 on July 19.

The state legislature, both chambers of which were taken over by Democrats in the 2018 midterm elections, passed the legislation during its now-adjourned 2019 session. The ABC New Hampshire/Vermont Chapter testified in opposition to SB 271 at public hearings throughout the legislative process and advocated for an executive veto after the legislation received final passage from the Senate in May.

In a press release lauding the move by Gov. Sununu, ABC New Hampshire/Vermont Chapter President Josh Reap said, “Taxpayers deserve the best possible product at the best possible price, and that’s exactly what Gov. Sununu has ensured by vetoing this bill.”

Gov. Sununu’s veto means that New Hampshire remains the only state in New England that doesn’t require prevailing wage on state projects, and one of 24 states nationally without a statewide prevailing wage law.

“In the midst of a booming economy with record low unemployment, the last thing we should do is reduce competition in our construction markets,” wrote Gov. Sununu in his veto message on SB 271.  

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