24-HR Emergency Service: 1-800-300-4875

24-HR Emergency Service: 1-800-300-4875



OSHA Offers Resources for Working in Dangerous Weather Conditions

July 24, 2019

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration has published several resources to protect workers from various hazards related to summertime weather, such as hot weather and hurricanes.

The agency recently released an OSHA Alert with the latest information and a list of safety practices to use when working in high temperatures and humid conditions. Additionally, the alert includes links to OSHA’s “Water. Rest. Shade.” and “Occupational Heat Exposure” webpages.

With hurricane season lasting from June 1 to Nov. 30, OSHA urges employers to be prepared to keep their workers safe during these extreme weather events. As part of this effort, the agency’s Emergency Preparedness and Response page provides information on protecting workers before and after hurricanes strike.

The webpage provides workers with links to the agency’s Preparedness page, which outlines the warnings and watches used for hurricanes, and Response/Recovery page, which features information on hazard exposures and risk assessments for hurricane response and recovery work.

Additional resources for hurricane preparedness can be found at the following websites:
National Weather Service’s Hurricane Preparedness Page

Please encourage your members and staff to visit ABC National’s webpage on emergency preparedness and recovery resources for detailed information on how to quickly access state and federal resources.

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