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ABC Leads Discussion on Workforce Development Reforms with GOP Leaders

August 7, 2019

Last week, ABC’s Vice President of HSE and Workforce Development, Greg Sizemore, made a presentation to the Republican Legislative Campaign Committee on the importance of continuing workforce development reforms at the state level.

Sizemore outlined the current challenges construction contractors face recruiting, hiring and retaining the skilled workers needed to ensure the industry is in a position to meet both current demand for construction and future economic forecasts. Sizemore also briefed state lawmakers on how industry associations like ABC are stepping up to address the skilled workforce shortage by expanding outreach initiatives, awareness of career opportunities and apprenticeship programs. 

Nearly 100 state Republican legislative leaders attended the group’s national meeting in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

The RLCC is one of a handful of state political groups that ABC National belongs to that offers opportunities to share with lawmakers some of the concerns of the construction industry and the ways industry can partner with decision-makers to offer solutions. 

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