24-HR Emergency Service: 1-800-300-4875

24-HR Emergency Service: 1-800-300-4875



ABC National Outlines Social Media Strategy for 2020

November 21, 2019

In August, ABC launched the “One Post a Day” social media campaign to share positive messages with ABC chapters every day that showcase our commitment to the merit shop construction industry as well as safety and workforce development.

This campaign has been successful and, based on recent feedback, we decided to make some changes to make it even more targeted and effective. Moving forward, we will only be sharing social media content based around larger industry initiatives, such as Safety Week, Careers in Construction Month and Women in Construction Week, to name a few. This means you’ll be receiving content a few times throughout the year rather than every day as we’ve done previously.

Be on the lookout for emails about these initiatives come 2020, and feel free to reach out to Rebecca Gale, communications manager, should you have any questions.

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