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ABC Participates in Federal Regulatory Reform Rollout

October 4, 2017

On Oct. 2, ABC President and CEO Mike Bellaman attended a White House event with roughly 300 representatives from industry groups and other private sector organizations where Vice President Pence spoke about the need for deregulation and rule-cutting.
Following the White House event, 10 federal agencies and departments hosted meetings to discuss their respective regulatory agendas, several of which ABC National staff attended. Bellaman also participated in the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) Cut the Red Tape Summit: Eliminating Excessive Regulation To Create Jobs and Growth, which addressed DOL’s need for regulatory reform under executive orders 13771 and 13777

On Oct. 3, Bellaman participated in the Smart Sectors Program Launch, a reform effort that aims to promote industry outreach and a partnership between the private and public sectors, with the goal of streamlining the regulatory process and achieving better environmental outcomes. “The Smart Sectors Program shows it’s a new day at EPA—and that’s good news for the environment and the economy,” Bellaman said the EPA press release on the event. “The nation’s construction industry welcomes the opportunity to collaborate with regulators to ensure that environmental protection is streamlined and cost effective. That’s the way government can help industry be more productive, create more jobs and grow the economy.”

During the 115th Congress, ABC will continue to advocate for regulatory reform that focuses on improving the current broken federal regulatory process. 

Members that have specific regulatory concerns are encouraged to take advantage of the Small Business Administration’s regulatory reform input page. The page gives the business community and the public at large an opportunity to submit comments and specific feedback on their regulatory burdens.

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