On June 21, the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee held a markup of ABC-opposed legislation, including the Protecting the Right to Organize Act, Paycheck Fairness Act and Healthy Families Act. Ahead of the hearing, ABC sent a letter to the committee highlighting concerns with the bills marked up in committee and urging members of the committee to oppose the partisan proposals being considered. ABC also joined with the Coalition for a Democratic Workplace to oppose the proposals.
The markup considered several ABC-backed and Republican-led amendments that would limit the damage of these anti-business, anti-worker legislative proposals, including amendments that would address the PRO Act’s provisions on secret ballot protections, employee privacy, independent contractors, secondary boycotts and joint-employer. You can view the full committee markup here.
Participate in Congress’s Workforce Survey by July 7
ABC, as part of the Jobs and Careers Coalition, is working with staff of the House Education and Labor Committee as they draft legislation to reauthorize the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. ABC encourages members to fill out the WIOA survey today to provide important feedback on this critical workforce bill.
Responding should take no more than a few minutes, and employers may remain anonymous if they wish. The deadline to complete the survey is COB on Friday, July 7.
ABC Supports R&D Tax Credit
On June 13, ABC authored a letter to the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee for its markup of H.R. 3938, the Build It in America Act. ABC supports this legislation, which would extend key provisions of the ABC-supported Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and provide additional certainty to the construction industry, including the deduction for research and development and the extension of the 100% bonus depreciation.
ABC Supports Legislation Codifying AHPs, ACA Health Care Contributions
On June 20, ABC joined two letters from coalitions of business organizations supporting the Custom Health Option and Individual Care Expense Arrangement Act, which was approved by the House on June 21, by a vote of 220-209. The legislation would codify two health care policy rules from the Trump administration: a 2018 rule that permits businesses to join together to provide association health plans, and a 2019 rule that allows employers to provide tax-free contributions to employees to pay for Affordable Care Act plans in the individual market through individual coverage health reimbursement arrangements.
You can view the first letter here and the second from ABC’s Partnership for Employer-Sponsored Coverage coalition here.

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