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Compete in the 2020 National Craft Championships

November 21, 2019

Give your craft trainees the experience of lifetime a by sponsoring them as competitors in the 2020 National Craft Championships, which will be held in Nashville, Tennessee, during ABC Convention 2020, March 23-27 . The deadline to fill out your is Dec. 13, 2019. Click here to register your competitor! When you visit ncc.abc.org, take a minute to read about the new written exam opportunity. 

The NCC is offering two team competitions for journey-level workers. The commercial team competition includes a carpenter, electrician, plumber and a sheet metal/HVAC tech. The industrial team competition has been reinvented and now includes a pipefitter, electrician and an insulator. 

What’s new in 2020? NCC offers Commercial Metal Stud Framing and Drywall as a full competition after a successful demonstration this year and introduces TIG Welding as a new demonstration that will grow into a competition in 2021. Visit ncc.abc.org to see all the 2020 craft trainee and apprentice competitions.

Some competitions have size limitations, so don’t delay in sending your intent-to-compete forms. Competitors may be sponsored by an ABC chapter, ABC chapter-approved training sponsor or by an ABC member firm.

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