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24-HR Emergency Service: 1-800-300-4875



U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to Hold Partner Webinars

May 28, 2019

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will be holding stakeholder webinars in June 2019 to provide an overview of its actions under the Revolutionize USACE Civil Works initiative.

In conjunction with the Trump administration’s Infrastructure Initiative, USACE has undertaken the Revolutionize USACE Civil Works initiative with the intent to speed up business, save money and complete critical infrastructure projects sooner. Specifically, the initiative has three objectives: to accelerate project delivery, transform project financing and budgeting and improve permitting and regulation reform.

USACE will be hosting webinars on June 20 and June 28 from 2-3 p.m. EST to provide an overview of the actions under Revolutionize USACE Civil Works, obtain feedback on efforts to date and gain input on activities going forward.

For more information on the Revolutionize USACE Civil Works initiative, visit the USACE website

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